My Mother’s Day was just what I hoped it would be: relaxing, full of snuggles, and of course food and coffee! Whether you’re a mama, a mama-to-be, or like I was for awhile, a mama-in-waiting, I hope your weekend was great!! Everett made sure I felt the love all weekend long and I enjoyed every minute. I slept in nice and long on Saturday and Sunday and he did an amazing job as always managing the kids, cleaning, cooking, and making sure I woke up rested. I truly couldn’t have asked for more! To top it off, we barely had any 3 year old melt downs!
Saturday was the most beautiful day for getting some errands done and heading out for a nice long family walk! We managed to get a few cute pictures along the way and wore the babies out with lots of exploring! We managed to create 2 children that don’t sleep so when they both went down fairly early, we were thrilled to get some couch time and snuggle it up!
As most mamas wish, I really wanted to get a family photo of us on Sunday. I shared the best of the best which let’s face it… this is award winning for a toddler and infant! Haha! We did bribe with cookies but I am not sure it worked…
And let me just tell you. THIS is the most comfortable and flattering dress ever! As expected, Nordstrom didn’t fail and I spent my day feeling beautiful in this $45 denim dress! If a dress can hold up while I hold a toddler, infant, and shopping bags, it is a win in my book! This is a simple look for any day and was perfect for my relaxing Mother’s Day!

Thanks for taking a look back with us on our Mother’s Day weekend!!